Course Description:
This multi-module training workshop will cover the full range of snow and ice removal and control, including program development, planning, pre-season activities, in-season operations, post storm activities, and post season activities. It is designed so that all involved personnel can have a sound understanding of the fundamentals and a better appreciation for why others in the network are doing what they are doing. Plow operators, other equipment operators, road superintendents, supervisors, town managers, town clerks, and elected officials can all benefit from this one day of training. Even experienced veterans may find a nugget or contribute a war story.
Learning Objectives:
Learn about the basic concepts of snow and ice control for our roads Understand the need for a plan of action before a storm and how to communicate with the public and elected officials Assess the available options for snow and ice control and learn when they should be used on your roads Learn that post storm and season activities are as important as pre-season activities Intended Audience: Plow operators, other equipment operators, road superintendents, supervisors, town managers, town clerks, and elected officials can all benefit from this one day of training.
Pre-Requisites: None
Credits: 6 PDH, 6 Technical CPWM contract hours
Presenter: Matheu Carter, P.E., Delaware LTAP Engineering Circuit Rider
This workshop is sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration and New Jersey Department of Transportation through the New Jersey Local Technical Assistance Program.
University Smoking Policy:
Rutgers University is committed to providing and maintaining a healthy and safe environment for students, employees, guests, and visitors. The use of all tobacco products and tobacco related products, including E-cigarettes, is prohibited on all property that is owned, operated, leased, occupied, or controlled by the University. Therefore, smoking is no longer permitted outside of the CAIT building. Those who violate the new policy will be asked to leave the premises.