Please note:
This class is being held on two non-consecutive days – Monday 12/4 and Thursday 12/7.
Course Description:
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. Nondiscrimination provisions apply to all programs and activities of Federal-aid recipients and contractors regardless of their funding source. As a condition of receiving Federal financial assistance, the New Jersey Department of Transportation is responsible for assuring nondiscrimination in its programs and activities and must oversee and ensure nondiscrimination on the part of its sub-recipients and contractors.
The Environmental Justice (EJ) Executive Order 12898 amplifies Title VI by identifying and addressing, as appropriate, disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of federal-aid projects on minority populations and low-income populations. The Limited English Proficiency Executive Order 13166 is also enforced under Title VI, as it further clarifies the Title VI responsibility of National Origin discrimination and requires Federal-aid recipients to take steps to ensure meaningful access to their programs, services and information by people with Limited English Proficiency (LEP).
Most recently, the Executive Branch has issued Executive Orders to strengthen nondiscrimination enforcement. Executive Order 13985, Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government, was issued on the first day of the Biden-Harris administration and Executive Order 14008 established the Justice 40 initiative that seeks to deliver 40 percent of the benefits of federal investment to disadvantaged communities. Through these and other Executive Orders, the current administration has established a comprehensive, whole of government approach to advancing equity for all, including people of color and others who have been historically underserved, marginalized, and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality.
As a recipient of Federal funds, NJDOT is required to implement a sound and viable Title VI Nondiscrimination Program to include training of in-house staff and sub-recipients. The goal of this Title VI Training is to provide NJDOT staff and sub-recipients (i.e., municipalities, counties, and MPOs) with a background on Title VI, Environmental Justice, and LEP and convey our collective responsibility under the Title VI program to ensure that nondiscrimination principles and provisions are incorporated in all programs, plans and activities.
Intended Audience:
New Jersey Department of Transportation, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, county and municipal employees.
David Aimen, AICP/PP, Rutgers-Voorhees Transportation Center Charles Brown, CEO, Equitable Cities, LLC.
This workshop is sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration and New Jersey Department of Transportation through the New Jersey Local Technical Assistance Program.