The 11th Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) was released December 18, 2023, and went into effect January 18, 2024. We are currently updating related course materials to what is reflected in the most recent version of the MUTCD.

PLEASE NOTE: This is the only Work Zone Safety Awareness training credited as a prerequisite for the Traffic Control Coordinator Program.

Course Description: The Work Zone Safety Awareness Program is offered to participants who require an overview of working safely in the roadway. As new or veteran employees enter or re-enter the construction and public works profession, they are frequently required to set up short-term work zones or are assigned to long-term projects. There are no allowances for errors when working next to traffic, so it is important for personnel to have a solid understanding of work zone safety compliance with the national MUTCD standards. Also, the roles of workers and enforcement personnel at work sites, differences between NJDOT and local projects, and legal responsibilities in work zones will be addressed during this program.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn about documents governing work zones
  • Identify different types of work zones
  • Name devices used in a work zone
  • Describe hazards in a work zone
  • Identify flagging operations in a work zone

Intended Audience:

Work zone participants and those seeking the Traffic Control Coordinator designation




2 Technical, 2 Government CPWM – (4) Professional Development Hours


Brian Crain, OSHA and Sgt. James Nuzzi, NJSP


The fee for this course is $125.00. Payment options and instructions for each method of payment are available during the registration process.


New Jersey Work Zone Safety Partnership and NJDOT