*The 11th Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) was released December 18, 2023, and went into effect January 18, 2024. We are currently updating related course materials to what is reflected in the most recent version of the MUTCD.

Course Description:

This 2-day workshop will cover the current design guidelines in Section 8 of the NJDOT Roadway Design Manual for guide rail design and median barriers which will cover the various Baseline Document Changes (BDC) and the revisions to implement AASHTO MASH criteria. The workshop will go through the entire section including clear zone, warranting obstructions, guide rail height, clearance from traveled way, rubrail, reduced post spacing at obstructions, guide rail at structures, end treatments, roadside recovery area, grading treatment, approach length of need, guide rail treatments at driveways, gore areas, and median guide rail and barriers along with their placement. There will also be several class problems on calculating and graphically solving length of need on the second day of the course. The Standard Construction Details for Guide Rail and Median Barriers will also be covered.

Participants should also bring pencils, straight edge, English 30 scale and calculator to second day of class.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how to distinguish the current MASH guide rail from the various older types of guide rail constructed by NJDOT
  • Learn how to design the NJDOT approved guide rail and median barriers as per the latest AASHTO/NJDOT MASH criteria
  • Become very familiar with the latest Section 8 of the NJDOT Roadway Design Manual and the NJDOT Standard Construction Details for guide rail and median barriers
  • Solve several class problems to apply the guide rail design concepts taught in class

Intended Audience:

State, county and township engineers and engineering consultants involved with guide rail and median barrier design




11 PDH


David Bizuga, NJDOT Training Specialist and CAIT Co-adjutant


This workshop is sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration and New Jersey Department of Transportation through the New Jersey Local Technical Assistance Program.

University Smoking Policy:

Rutgers University is dedicated to ensuring a safe and healthy environment for students, staff, visitors, and guests. The use of any tobacco or tobacco-related products, including E-cigarettes, is not allowed on any University-owned, operated, leased, occupied, or controlled property. Consequently, smoking is not allowed outside the CAIT building. Individuals who breach this updated policy will be requested to vacate the premises.