PLEASE NOTE: Your application to participate in this course and the pre-requisite documents must be submitted by 12 noon on February 7, 2025 to David Maruca at

Course Description:

This hands-on course will provide Project Managers and Grant Writers the tools necessary to extract data related to crash prone areas, develop and submit a grant to the Division of Highway Traffic Safety, implement proven countermeasures and strategies to proactively address traffic safety issue(s), and measure the impact of their intervention(s). This course will take you step-by-step on how to utilize the Crash Analysis Tool (CAT) in a computer lab or webinar by first developing queries for your specific town that identify crash prone locations. Those queries will be saved and exported to form the justification for your DHTS grant proposal.

Agencies will receive grant writing training and develop a grant proposal and budget related to their data points utilizing the DHTS Sage System with support from experienced grantees and grantors. This will be followed by receiving approval from command staff and business/financial administrators to submit the grant to DHTS for consideration.

NHTSA’s proven countermeasures will be discussed, and other traffic safety organizations will provide presentations to assist the attendees in selecting the proper strategies to implement. At the conclusion on the grant, an after-action presentation will be delivered by grantees outlining their program’s challenges and successes.

This course is free and opened to municipal, county, and state agencies as well as nonprofits statewide, but agencies must meet all the prerequisites to include completing the attached questionnaire and submitting a letter of support for acceptance. Please see the attachments in the online course description for additional information.

Learning Objectives:

  • Use the Crash Analysis Tool to mine data
  • Enter a grant application in the SAGE system
  • Employ NHTSA countermeasures to improve traffic safety

Intended Audience:

Law enforcement and nonprofit agencies engaged in traffic safety


Provide a letter of support


Joseph Weiss, Division of Highway Traffic Safety; Nick Schock, Gloucester County Prosecutors Office; Sgt. Monika Oliveira, Linden PD; Will Yarzab, North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority; Sgt. Noah Van Vliet, Midland Park PD; Kevin Murphy, DVRPC; Wendy Burke, Brain Injury Alliance; Kevin Murphy, DVRPC; Off. Bill Kloos, Piscataway PD

Sponsor: New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety

University Smoking Policy:

Rutgers University is committed to providing and maintaining a healthy and safe environment for students, employees, guests, and visitors. The use of all tobacco products and tobacco related products, including E-cigarettes, is prohibited on all property that is owned, operated, leased, occupied, or controlled by the University. Therefore, smoking is no longer permitted outside of the CAIT building. Those who violate the new policy will be asked to leave the premises.