NJDOT now requires New Jersey Traffic Control Coordinators to take this refresher class every two years if they wish to continue working on state-funded projects. Course Description:

The course provides a refresher of the current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and includes a brief overview of Federal, NJDOT, and New Jersey Turnpike specific changes and addresses areas of concern found in our work zones. Topics will include worker safety consideration, proper placement and use of traffic signs, shadow vehicles, and other temporary traffic control devices used to guide road users through work zones.

Intended Audience:

All TCC designation card holders whose designation expiration date is looming. One has two years and three months from the date of the previous class (either the initial TCC course or the TCC Refresher) to renew their designation to remain compliant.


In order to renew your TCC designation and receive a card, you must meet the requisites, as follows:

  • Provide proof of successful completion of the 3-day Traffic Control Coordinator Program or half-day Traffic Control Coordinator Refresher. We require that your last issued TCC designation card be uploaded at the time of registration.
  • Meet the attendance time requirement
  • Pay the class fee

We ask that you upload your digital TCC designation card at the time of registration

If you do not have a digital copy of your TCC designation card, please contact caitregistrar@soe.rutgers.edu.

If you only require the attendance certificate (for engineers and inspectors), you do not need to upload any documents.

TCC cards and certificates will not be issued if any course requisites have not been fulfilled.

Fee Amount:

$150 per person


PDH credit provided upon request


George Fallat – Middlesex County Engineer; Lee Steiner – NJDOT; Brian Crain – OSHA; Larry Lenahan/Sgt. Charles Bowden – NJTA; and Sgt. Alan Franke – NJSP Construction


New Jersey Work Zone Safety Partnership and NJDOT

Other Information:

Login instructions will be provided in your registration confirmation. If you do not receive immediate confirmation, please check your SPAM/JUNK folder as it will sometimes be directed there instead of your inbox. If not received, please send an email to CAIT Registrar indicating that you didn’t receive the confirmation and it will be resent.

Those completing the webinar as instructed, shall receive an email to download their renewed TCC designation card. You may either keep the pdf file on a phone/laptop as proof of designation or print the file and laminate it to carry an actual card.