About IIJA
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) is the largest long-term investment in our infrastructure and competitiveness in nearly a century. It is also referred to as Bipartisan Infrastructure Law or BIL. This page provides information on the additional funding available through the IIJA and how to access it.
IIJA funds target five main modalities: Transit, Climate, Existing Roadway and Bridge Maintenance, Water, and Broadband and Cybersecurity.
Federal guidance favors projects that address equity, safety, sustainability, and reliability. These commitments should be considered from the initial ideation stage through the design, construction and maintenance of projects.
The Department’s goals are to:
- Maximize federal dollars won by New Jersey, by prioritizing and supporting the most competitive applications
- Ensure efficient deployment of funds by working with our county and municipal partners
Funding is either formula or discretionary:
- Discretionary funds will be granted by US DOT through national competition.
- Formula funds are provided to DOTs to fund programs administered by NJDOT or to fund NJDOT projects.
The information on this website is arranged in two overall groups.
- Funding provided by U.S. DOT through various bureaus: The U.S. DOT programs can be found on the main page.
- Funding provided by other Federal Agencies through various bureaus
Additional information including:
- NOFOs or Notice of Funding Opportunities when released and other useful links will be posted here.
- NJDOT’s recommendation: How to get your agency ready to apply for federal funds

NJDOT's Federal Eligibility Information
Any federal funding received through Local Aid requires an Eligibility Assessment. If your Local Public Agency receives a federal grant through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, FHWA will provide guidance regarding its assessment of your eligibility.