This Changes Everything

PMRS provides a platform for online collaboration
between New Jersey Local Public Agencies (LPAs)
and NJDOT staff.

What is PMRS?

Streamlined System

PMRS is the New Jersey Department of Transportation's updated Project Management and Reporting System. This new system will shift most project management, accounting, contracting and other functions from a traditional paper-based model to an electronic, automated system. It enables efficient project management, including automated tasks, an electronic document routing and management system, electronic review and approval, easy project tracking, and monitoring. The new platform will make it easier for everyone involved to track, monitor, and know the status of submissions and projects at every step of the way.


PMRS Local Aid Project Management Process (LAMP) Tutorial


PMRS will improve the efficiency and functionality of the project development process for NJDOT staff, Local Public Agencies, and consultants.

Accessible & Mobile

Project information will be available from anywhere with an internet connection.

Electronic Submissions & Review

Submit project documents electronically and receive electronic notifications and faster reviews and approvals.

Transparency & Accountability

PMRS will make it easier to track documents and know where the project is in the development process.

Standardization & Consistency

All project-related documents will follow a systematic electronic document management protocol, and all NJDOT projects will use the same system.

Reduced Costs & Paper Consumption

NJDOT projects will no longer require printing and mailing large documents for review and approval. This will also reduce the demand for physical space to store project files.

Getting Started

PMRS website shown on many devices

Who Needs a PMRS Account?

DOT Staff

  • Local Aid Project Managers
  • Support Staff
  • Subject Matter Experts
  • Accounting
  • Contracting

Local Public Agencies

  • Project Managers
  • Mayors
  • County Commissioners
  • County Executives
  • Engineers
  • Clerks


  • Design Consultants
  • Regulatory Personnel
  • Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs)