Course Description:

Are you the recipient of Federal-aid funds through the New Jersey Department of Transportation Division of Local Aid and Economic Development? NJDOT and/or the Metropolitan Planning Organizations currently administer these Federal Aid Programs:

  • Local Lead
  • Transportation Enhancements
  • Safe Routes to School
  • Emergency Relief
  • Transportation Alternatives
  • Local Safety/High Risk Rural Roads

This course is designed for recipients of these types of grants. The effective and efficient “management” of the funds received from such a grant is critical to insuring future eligibility and reimbursement. This course highlights for the administrator and grant coordinator key requirements and responsibilities that must be met as a condition to the grant.

The course will delve into the basic financial, administrative, and project related requirements including practical means of satisfying these requirements in an uncomplicated manner. Common problem areas, potential solutions and avoidance measures will be a part of the group discussion. This workshop’s objective is to greatly enhance the grant recipient’s performance and eligibility for successful, full reimbursement of funding.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the financial and administrative requirements related to federal-aid grants
  • Learn about best practices involving grant administration
  • See how to navigate common problem areas and avoidance measures

Intended Audience:

This course is targeted towards administrators, business managers, and grant coordinators who are in receipt of Federal-aid funds.




1.5 Technical, 1.5 Government Contact Hours; 3 PDHs


Lloyd Jacobs, P.E., P.P. Former FHWA Official


This workshop is sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration and New Jersey Department of Transportation through the New Jersey Local Technical Assistance Program.