Local Concept Development


A non-competitive program jointly supported by NJDOT and the state’s three Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO). Local capital projects in the three MPO subregions are funded through this program. Potential projects are accepted for Concept Development by each MPO and managed through the design and construction phases by the division of Local Aid.

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Who is Eligible

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  • Subregions

Program Benefits

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    Provide subregions the opportunity to apply for federal funding

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    Improvement of bridges and roads

Selection Criteria

Functional Classification

Located on roads with functional classifications other than rural minor collector, rural local collector, or urban local, or part of the National Highway System (NHS).


Projects must be transportation-related, and advance the final design, right-of-way, and/or construction of transportation-related projects.


Must be included on the most recent National Bridge Inventory, Highway Bridge Replacement, and Rehabilitation Lists.

Design Costs

Minimum design cost of $100,000 (Related projects may be combined).

Construction Costs

Minimum construction cost of $250,000.

Current Environmental Document

Current Categorical Exclusion (CE), a Finding of No Adverse Effect, or a Record of Decision from FHWA; or actions that are included in the “Programmatic Agreement for Approval of Certain CEs."

Project Profile

Local Lead

The reconstruction of Bridge S-17 consisted of a full replacement of the existing bridge. A new bridge was constructed on a horizontal curve to the north of the existing bridge to enable the bridge to remain open to traffic during construction. The work performed under this contract consisted of the construction of a new six-span horizontally and vertically curved steel multi-girder bridge and approach roadway improvements. Monmouth County Bridge S-17 carries County Route 10 (West Front Street) over the Swimming River and is a primary connector from Downtown Red Bank to points west. This bridge carries significant regional traffic to the Red Bank Train Station, Riverview Hospital, area schools, extensive retail employment, and many recreational and cultural destinations.


How to Apply for a Local Concept Development Program

NJDOT works with the three MPOs in New Jersey to deliver the Local Concept Development Program. Each MPO is responsible for selecting and developing the project through concept design. Once concept design is completed these projects can then be considered for the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). Contact your respective MPO to learn more about the program, or review the Federal Aid Handbook.

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