Local Freight Impact Fund

  Application closed

The Local Freight Impact Fund (LFIF) grant program assists counties and local municipalities with mitigating freight’s impacts on the local transportation system.

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Local Freight Impact Fund Milestones


September - December

Resolution & Agreement Execution

August - April

Grant Announcement


Project Award

36 months after Grant Announcement

Who is Eligible

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  • New Jersey Counties

  • New Jersey Municipalities

Program Benefits

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    Pavement Preservation - to improve pavement conditions in support of freight travel on municipal/county transportation infrastructure

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    Truck Safety and Mobility - to improve large truck access, routing and mobility along the municipal/county roadway system

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    Bridge Preservation - to improve bridge ratings/conditions in support of freight travel on municipal/county transportation infrastructure

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    New Construction - to promote new construction in support of freight travel on municipal/county transportation infrastructure

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    Pedestrian Safety - to improve pedestrian safety, accessibility, and/or bicycle improvements along the local roadway system

Selection Criteria

Single or Joint Application

Projects must be within the jurisdictional limits of the applicant’s municipality and/or county unless filed jointly with an adjacent municipality and/or county.

Freight Node

Applicants must demonstrate that the project will provide access to a port, warehouse distribution center or any other freight node by providing a narrative and a map supporting their request.

Truck Volume

Projects must have a minimum 10% Large Truck Volume within the project limits. A traffic study must be submitted to support this information.

Project Profile

Route 44 Truck Bypass and DuPont Port Access, Gloucester County

The project provided construction of a new 0.60-mile truck bypass roadway that ties into the existing Route 44 roadway in western Gibbstown. The truck bypass diverts existing through movements of trucks away from the Route 44 and Broad Street intersection in downtown Gibbstown and provides direct access for the DuPont/Repauno site. Without a truck bypass, traffic traveling to/from the DuPont site was forced to go through a residential neighborhood along Repauno Avenue to access Route 44 or Democrat Road. Many right-angle crashes were reported at Swedesboro Road and Democrat Road, so safety was a concern with the increase in traffic volumes, especially with the expected heavy truck traffic. The project also included design of a new at-grade railroad crossing. Designers worked closely with the Railroad Diagnostic Team, NJDOT, County Engineers, Local Emergency Management Officials, Conrail, and DuPont Port Owners.

How to Apply to State Aid Programs

Applications must be made through the SAGE system. Instructions are available. The major components are the Scope of Work, explaining how the project meets each of the criteria, and the Data Sheet. All applications must include maps, and photos are encouraged to show expected project achievements. All applications are scored based in part on the online applications and supporting documentation.

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