Local Safety / High Risk Rural Roads
This Federal Transportation funding legislation doubled New Jersey’s annual apportionment of Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds, which is a core Federal-aid program. Potential projects are selected by each MPO.

Program Benefits
Achieve a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads, including non-National Highway System and non-State-owned public roads, and roads on tribal lands.
Funds may be used for all phases of a project, including design, right-of-way acquisition, construction, and construction inspection.
Selection Criteria
Crash Locations
Addresses New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) derived high priority crash locations on county or local roadways.
Crash Analyses
Detailed crash data analyses (utilizing the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Highway Safety Manual) and minimal or no environmental or cultural resource impacts (eligible for programmatic Categorical Exclusions or self-certified Categorical Exclusions from the Federal Highway Administration).
All Phases
Design, right of way acquisition, construction, and construction inspection.

Project Profile
Stage Coach Road (CR 524), Monmouth County
Millstone Township in Monmouth County was funded by the federal High Risk Rural Roads program to improve safety on Stagecoach Road. This area experienced 21 reported crashes between 2003 and 2013 and was in need of superelevation, sight distance, and drainage improvements. The project milled and resurfaced the road, provided superelevation, applied high friction surface treatment, improved drainage, cleared brush to improve sight distance, and added new road markings, regulatory signs, and warning signs to improve road user awareness.
How to Apply for a Local Safety / High Risk Rural Road Project
NJDOT works with the three MPOs in New Jersey to deliver the Local Safety / High Risk Rural Roads Program. Each MPO is responsible for selecting and developing the project through concept design. To learn more about the process contact your respective MPO.