Course Description:

This course was developed with support from the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety (DHTS). Hosted by Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT), this full-day course explores ways to protecting the pedestrian officer including virtual reality training.

Each year numerous police officers and other first responders are killed or seriously injured in motor vehicle-related incidents on our highways. In the last decade these types of incidents have accounted for approximately 33% of all law enforcement line-of-duty deaths. Of all the hazardous situations an officer may encounter in the performance of their duties, this course will focus on the category of the pedestrian officer and the danger of being struck by a motor vehicle or flying debris while working along the roadway.

The presenter, Sergeant Robert Bemis, who retired from the Pennsylvania State Police Academy as the Supervisor of the Operational Training Division, has over 30 years of law enforcement experience. He will outline his personal challenge of being stuck-by a vehicle while rendering aid to a motorist which left him critically injured. After listening to his life-altering personal story, participants will have an appreciation and understanding as to why Sgt. Bemis is passionate about Officer Safety and the countermeasures critical to avoiding such incidences.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify three ways to protect yourself as a pedestrian
  • List two pieces of equipment that increase police pedestrian safety
  • Name two advantages to virtual reality training
  • Intended Audience:
  • Law enforcement personnel


Be employed as a full-time law enforcement officer in New Jersey




Sgt. Robert Bemis, Retired Pennsylvania State Police


This workshop is sponsored by the Division of Highway Traffic Safety

University Smoking Policy:

Rutgers University is dedicated to ensuring a safe and healthy environment for students, staff, visitors, and guests. The use of any tobacco or tobacco-related products, including E-cigarettes, is not allowed on any University-owned, operated, leased, occupied, or controlled property. Consequently, smoking is not allowed outside the CAIT building. Individuals who breach this updated policy will be requested to vacate the premises.