Course Description:

Pavement Management Systems provides the basics for developing a pavement management system to help local, county and State governments manage their pavement network by providing an understanding of the concept and importance of road surface inventories and condition surveys.

This course provides illustrations of how to recognize common pavement distress, the creation of pavement condition evaluations, and the utilization of performance and economic analyses to develop annual pavement treatment programs. Repair strategies at the system and project level are discussed using the information presented in the course.

During the session, attendees will be provided with an introduction to developing and implementing a Pavement Management System for local, county, and State agencies, will understand utilization of performance and economic analyses to develop annual pavement treatment programs, and will learn about an assortment of pavement treatment tools to preserve and rehabilitate the agency pavement network.

Course Topics:

  • Overview of the PMS concepts Inventory
  • Linear Referencing System
  • Pavement Condition Survey
  • Performance Models
  • Performance and Economic Analysis
  • Reporting
  • PMS development
  • Periodic Feedback
  • Illustration of PMS software
  • Use of GIS for PMS
  • Expanding the Agency Pavement Toolbox

Learning Objectives:

  • Know the importance of a pavement management system
  • Learn how to evaluate and collect data on your existing pavement and identify causes of pavement deterioration
  • Know different repair strategies at the system and project level

Intended Audience:

Individuals encouraged to attend are those responsible for planning and performing roadway inventory and condition surveys as well as planning and programming functions such as: public works directors, street supervisors, and crew foremen and consultants assisting local, county, and State agencies in developing a Pavement Management System.




6 PDH; CPWM 6 Technical Contact Hours


Nick Vitillo, PhD


This workshop is sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration and New Jersey Department of Transportation through the New Jersey Local Technical Assistance Program.

University Smoking Policy: Rutgers University is committed to providing and maintaining a healthy and safe environment for students, employees, guests, and visitors. The use of all tobacco products and tobacco related products, including E-cigarettes, is prohibited on all property that is owned, operated, leased, occupied, or controlled by the University. Therefore, smoking is no longer permitted outside of the CAIT building. Those who violate the new policy will be asked to leave the premises.