Course Description:

This course provides participants with:

  • a basic understanding of intersection safety issues
  • “how to” information for common safety tasks and low-cost safety improvements that do not require an engineered design
  • background information on safety tasks that do not require an engineer.

This workshop also outlines areas where non-engineers can assist traffic engineers in the safety process and help them to understand when an engineer needs to be consulted to make a safety related change to an intersection.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn to apply a commonsense process when evaluating intersection safety
  • Identify many safety problems at intersections
  • Select countermeasures to address common issues

Intended Audience:

Individuals conducting engineering and traffic studies and those responsible for identifying safety problem and potential solution including street superintendents, public works employees, municipal managers, elected officials, and engineers. This course is not geared towards law enforcement strategies, but officers are welcome to attend




5 Technical and 1 Management CPWM CEUs; 6 PDH


George Fallat, PE


This workshop is sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration and New Jersey Department of Transportation through the New Jersey Local Technical Assistance Program.

University Smoking Policy:

Rutgers University is committed to providing and maintaining a healthy and safe environment for students, employees, guests, and visitors. The use of all tobacco products and tobacco related products, including E-cigarettes, is prohibited on all property that is owned, operated, leased, occupied, or controlled by the University. Therefore, smoking is no longer permitted outside of the CAIT building. Those who violate the new policy will be asked to leave the premises.