Federally Funded Programs

Discover Our Federally Funded Programs

These programs encourage investment in those transportation projects that will yield the greatest mobility, have the least environmental impact, and make the most cost-effective use of available resources. Some federal programs are for Urbanized Areas or the National Highway System. For more information, visit the New Jersey Urbanized Areas Map.

Local Concept Development

Program for local capital projects to improve bridges and roads in the three MPO subregions.

Safe Routes to School

Program to facilitate projects that improve safety and reduce traffic, fuel consumption and air pollution in the vicinity of schools.

Emergency Relief

Program for the repair or reconstruction of Federal-aid highways and roads which have suffered serious damage as a result of natural disaster or a catastrophic failure.

Transportation Alternatives

Program for community-based, “non-traditional” projects that strengthen the cultural, aesthetic, and environmental aspects of the nation’s intermodal system.

Local Safety / High Risk Rural Roads

Program for projects designed to achieve a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on public roads.

Looking for information about Urbanized Areas, New Jersey Standard Route ID and Mileposts, the National Highway System, or Urban Clusters to support your grant application?

Check out New Jersey Urbanized Areas Map