Resource Center News

New Jersey Local Technical Assistance Program

June 7, 2019 from 8:30 am–12:30 pm (Location: Runnemede, NJ)

This workshop is designed to assist local governments with an understanding of the requirements for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance. These requirements apply to all state and local governments regardless of size. This session will provide an overview of state and local laws governing ADA compliance, responsibilities of facility owners and funding recipients, project requirements, and ADA standards and applications. In addition, the session will highlight the Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guide (PROWAG). If you are applying for, or a recipient of, New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) local aid funds, this workshop is strongly recommended.

Municipal and County Engineers, Public Works Superintendents, Local Elected Officials are encouraged to attend. Anyone who needs to act as a liaison with contractors should attend to ensure compliance on publicly funded projects.

This workshop is brought to you through the sponsorship of the Federal Highway Administration and New Jersey Department of Transportation