Resource Center News

NJDEP published a notice in the New Jersey Register regarding the Act and the requirement to register eligible permits with the NJDEP. This can include certain governmental permits, approvals, and deadlines that were due to expire on March 9, 2020 (referred to as the “COVID-19 extension period”).

When: The Act was signed by Governor Wolf on July 1, 2020.

Purpose: This Act was implemented prevent the abandonment of approved projects and activities, and the waste of public and private resources that would result if such projects and activities were required to repeat the application and approval process.

Deadline: Any government approval subject to the automatic suspension of the running period of such approval for the COVID-19 extension period must be registered with the Department by October 8, 2020. The running period of any approval not registered within 30 days of the date of publication of this notice shall not be suspended for the COVID-19 extension period.

More Information: Click here to see the Department’s notice of this action, or go to to request a form.